IPD’s Canadian subscription offers read-through and improved forecasting for litigation events happening around
the world, featuring:
Easy-to-use Canadian brand,
biosimilar, and generic drug
launch tracking schedules
Canadian litigation tracking and
in-the-courtroom coverage with
real-time email updates
Personalized consults with local Canadian intellectual property analysts
Weekly updates including Canadian trending drug topics, recent publications,
and loss-of-exclusivity information
Complete drug information with locally reviewed Canadian indications
Comprehensive Canadian clinical development tracking in
every major disease class

"How does Canada handle regulatory exlcusivity?
...Like in the United States, where the Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, is responsible for approving drug products both brand and generic, in Canada, that agency is called Health Canada. Like the USFDA, Health Canada grants certain regulatory exclusivity for branded drug products, but there are some differences. For example, in Canada, there's no orphan drug exclusivity, or new product exclusivity for branded drug products. Health Canada only grants regulatory exclusivity for the first approval of a novel active pharmaceutical ingredient, whereas in the United States, new chemical entity exclusivity means that generic manufacturers cannot file an application to market a generic drug product until four years after the brand gets approval, and generics cannot be approved themselves until at least seven and a half years after brand approval."
Our International Legal Analysts discuss the ins and outs of the Canadian patent and regulatory system juxtaposed against the system in the United States, including:
U nique features of Canadian patent and regulatory system
Health Canada
Patent linkage system
Regulatory exclusivity
Orphan drug exclusivity
Pediatric exclusivity
Patent term extensions
Certificates of supplementary protection
Read-through to the United States
Similarities and differences to the United States in litigation
Patented medicines notice of compliance
Invalidity challenges in court
Trial length
Style of argument
Examples of Canadian trials
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