Pharmaceuticals | Biotech | Biosimilars
IPD's Life-Cycle Insights subscription provides unmatched visibility into the life cycle of drugs and biologics, from early-stage pipeline assets to mature, established products.
Brand, generic, and biosimilar launch tracking
Loss-of-exclusivity insight, timing, and analytics
Innovative drug pipeline tracking
Litigation analysis and forecasted litigation outcomes
Regulatory impacts
Our team of former patent litigators, former Federal Circuit Clerks, PhD scientists, and patent researchers analyze public and proprietary data to provide summarized, comprehensive, strategic, and tactical analysis and insights.
Our Life-Cycle Insights cover:
United States | Europe | Japan | Brazil | Canada | Mexico | Australia/New Zealand | India | Korea | China | Taiwan | Russia | Saudi Arabia

Our subscribers gain around-the-clock access to IPD's proprietary web-based platform with real-time email alerts and expert consultations.
Data and analysis covering thousands of drugs and biologics in all major disease states and indications
Brand, generic, and biosimilar launch tracking tools to monitor new market entrants to the market and their impact on product pricing
Loss-of-exclusivity forecasts, patent information, regulatory data, generic-filer information, API complexity information, disease-area overviews, competitive intelligence, and drug pipelines up to
10 years in the future -
Information on pending litigation and regulatory proceedings such as court cases, hearings, and oppositions that affect launch timing, direct vs. indirect competitors, and marketplace shifts