Brand Drugs with Expected Generic Competition in Canada in 2H 2022-2024
August 2022

In IPD’s latest report, Brand Drugs with Expected Generic Competition in Canada in 2H 2022–2024, our Canadian legal and regulatory analysts identify 36 brand-name small-molecule drugs covered by data protection or patent portfolios for which the generic competition likely would begin during 2H 2022–2024. For each of these brand-name drugs, (1) data protection appears to have expired (or is close to expiring), and (2) the relevant patent(s) already have expired, are close to expiring, or may be subject to being revoked in court proceedings, or brand companies appear to have reached settlement agreements.
IPD’s Canadian Life-Cycle Insights coverage includes loss-of-exclusivity reports to help our subscribers forecast generic entry and prepare for shifts in the market landscape.