There’s Nothing Generic About a Generic Launch: How Shifting Market Dynamics and Stakeholder Strategies Are Disrupting Standard Assumptions for Forecasting the Impact of Generic Entrants
November 2019

Over the past several years, the pharmaceutical industry has shifted away from traditional small-molecule drugs to focus more on complex formulations and specialty agents. The additional market complexities that are accompanying this shift have impacted stakeholder strategies for all drugs facing loss of exclusivity.
Stakeholders can no longer rely on assumptions that have been considered standard for predicting pricing and erosion after a generic launch. Instead, identifying noteworthy market conditions and understanding the outcomes they trigger provides more accurate insight for stakeholders who are forecasting the market and financial impact of a generic launch.
IPD Analytics has identified four market factors as representative elements that can cause deviations from traditionally standard generic launch patterns, including: copay coupons, brand-over-generic strategies, supply channel strategies, and shifts in manufacturer pricing strategies.
This insight brief describes key elements of an expanded model versus a traditional model of a generic launch that are essential to understanding the shifting generic landscape.